For Your Eyes Only

For Your Eyes Only

But there isn’t much to see

For Your Eyes Only

what is not hidden remains to be seen

For Your Eyes Only

words that whisper louder than they should

For Your Eyes Only

empty spaces lie hungrily between the lines

waiting to be puzzled at

to be spied

For Your Eyes Only

whatever is not written

has been repressed

For Your Eyes Only

let them wander over e’re

let them wonder the air 

heady with discovery

eyes wide with insight

or only a mind’s misfit thoughts


i hear your voice

that off key humming

that soft yet deep toned


that distinct chuckle

that sweet nothing filled echo


i strain to hear you

to make it real

to place it in my time

but just as always

you go silent

sensing you have

come too near

what keeps you away?


you know i await

that fated chance

not promised

no, not at all

but dreamt of

and longed for

but thought of

and prayed for

and kept

within my

wounded self

to give the


some company