So much more

It’s not enough

Your tender kisses

Your tight tight hugs

It’s not enough

As I only exist

When I’m right in front of you

Your pleasantness imbues only the time presently shared

Yet the moment we are apart

No longer do i matter

No longer am i wanted

We don’t need each other

That we both know

But maybe it’s not enough

Or maybe I realize… I want so much more….

odd leveler

why do i sigh (a little relieved)

when fear comes tumbling out of your mouth

your urgent words collide into each other

in their haste to express what i hardly have the courage to sum up

and therefore reply with silence

(and a deeply quiet marvel)

at how insecurity is such an odd leveler

an overlooked equaler


keep your fingers crossed
your heart open
your vision willing
your dreams real


keep your smile secret
your heart willing
your vision sure
your dreams strong


keep your eyes dry
your heart strong
your vision unblurred
your dreams from fleeting


keep your head up
your heart patched up
your vision realistic
your dreams as dreams


humanize me

humanize me

so that i too can spend

my life worrying over

the pursuit green paper.

humanize me

so that i too can fight

battles over borders

not even visible in air.

humanize me

so that i too can know

fellows are only human

when they are not my enemy.

humanize me

so that i too can see

myself as another

who is just a better copy of me.

humanize me

so that i too shall know

of happiness pursued

but never attained…