What’s it called?

What’s it called?

When you’ve seen it all happen before

The same old, same old

Just another way

The same lull

The same soft excitement in the further reaches of your mind

The cautious half imagined breath of relief


And if possible!

Even more disappointing than it was before.

What’s it called when you still think maybe… Just maybe not this time.

What’s it called?

Ahh yes…stupidity.

For Your Eyes Only

For Your Eyes Only

But there isn’t much to see

For Your Eyes Only

what is not hidden remains to be seen

For Your Eyes Only

words that whisper louder than they should

For Your Eyes Only

empty spaces lie hungrily between the lines

waiting to be puzzled at

to be spied

For Your Eyes Only

whatever is not written

has been repressed

For Your Eyes Only

let them wander over e’re

let them wonder the air 

heady with discovery

eyes wide with insight

or only a mind’s misfit thoughts

What goes unsaid

I can hear myself

Convincing you

Convincing me

My earnestness strains

To be heard

To be accepted

To quiet my mind of doubts

To quiet your tongue of questions

I repeat myself

Tasting the words

Chewing them over

Letting them spill forth


Letting the pauses

Speak of surety

Letting my gestures spell out confidence

Waiting out your nods

Searching your smiles

For satisfaction or smirks

Weighing all the segues

And praying for a tangent

A providential interjection


ebb and return

Be my confidence

when the tide ebbs

speak through my anxiety

and remind me it will return again

maybe softly lapping at the shore

maybe thunderously crashing on the rocks

maybe only wanting to…meaning to…but just not getting the chance

maybe just trusting that i am its steady beacon and not some wayward flotsam

but assure me through the fluster

that the tide will return

however many times it may ebb

he is for hero-ed

his skin is his fatigue

no need for woven camouflage

the jungles as quaint and known

as a well worn living room

its secret ways deftly etched upon his unsleeping eyes

leader, rebel, ordained ruler

hero, deity, thief

rescuer, reaper, ruthless

wounded yet does not bleed

so many lay shielding him

of their own or owned will

unblinkingly i stare


something urging me to keep looking 


stealthily skulking off between the overgrown rushes…the unyielding reeds

so say the flickering shadows at the corner of my eyes


somehow unfitting

he lies too-still

all grossly revealing

that he is mortal in death.


and so i know now

and so i know now

but before

i could only accumulate

reasons that were true before

and though they were not given by you

they spoke for you in your absence

until your words came to my heed

until your voice came like a soothing balm

of what you thought was true

of what you hoped i knew

but what i dared not believe

until it came from you


beguilingly bought

without being told
there awaits
a curiosity
and often
beguilingly bought
in the very
palm of your
held tremblingly
of bridges and roads
and paths engraved
of grooved hills and narrowly lined valleys
of promises and preening predictions
and lengths that improve longevity
but what use of this fortune without the digits
to grasp it?


there is a yearnful parting
that never came to be

we search for it without notice
whether or not an illusion

never knowing if each met
will ever be the ONE

as understudys eager to be betrayed as us.

two strangers never encountered
convinced they will know:
innately, irrevocably

and as they contemplate thus
seemingly guaranteed in deed

each pass the other
remaining one less unknown.

Dear Destiny,

Dear Destiny,

thou art but a mistress,
mover of a mere mortal will,
that yet shapes all that you usurp.

let it be..
it is not fate.
i find it not in the stars.
it is only
your reason that
rules over a life.

it struggles still..
towards the Light…
that does not exist.