Silence spoke for me

even as you say the truth
each word gentled,
so as not to hurt what already is tender…
each statement wreathed with “That’s the way it is”
each phrase piqued in soft question
“Of do you understand? This is how it must be…”
each emotion huskily swallowed
and gently urging assent…

I let Silence do my talking.



The Soft

How do i love/trust without prejudice?

My experiences have taught me

To become tough, decisive, flinty

Cynical is my new prescription

Because the soft keep on giving

The soft are easier to keep hurting

The soft keep giving and making do

The soft get stepped on

Kicked to the side and stepped over.

Juxtaposition II

A shared birthday:

She walks into his embrace, gazing into his eyes. She can’t help but glow.

He sings “Happy Birthday” softly to her.

He asks “Do you want a cake?”

She looks at him: “Hmmm…I want something sweeter…”

They come out of their room,

Happily spent.

She takes out a box of indian sweets

All his favorites she hopes…

She presses the candle softly into a gulab jamun in the middle.

“Let’s celebrate both our birthdays!” he enthuses.

He pulls her into his lap, she puts her arms around him,

They sing to each other in boxers and lingerie.

she sings softly, her lips lightly grazing the side of his head with every word. They kiss before they blow out the candle together.

“What did you wish for?”

“You’re my wish come true” she says laughing gaily.

I wish we could do this ever year…

A much later birthday (hers):

They stand over the stove

Looking at a cake slice in a box.

“Why don’t we sit down?”

“Nah, let’s have the cake?”

He gets forks.

“Aren’t you going to sing for me, it is my birthday..?”

“Really?…uh yeah ok…”

“Happybirthdaytoyou. Happybirthdaytoyoudear…”

He sticks his fork into the cake slice and shoves it in his mouth. He goes for a second, intent on the cake.

“It’s good!”

She stands there looking at him.

She swallows her disappointment… She wishes it wouldn’t feel so intense each time she has to do it….

You would think by now i would know better.

The cake tastes pasty in her mouth.


I feel like i lost what i used to be…

My easy optimism
finding joy in all things

The sunrise, the clouds, the flowers, the warmth, the music

Sharing a smile with a passer-by

Seeing the love within a couple, a family, that indelible joy of a child

That golden warm feeling of gratefulness

Being happy because it’s so necessary

And now….

I feel like i lost what i used to be…

Is that all?

Breathlessly he says

“I love you
your first and true love…”

It sounds as good as it does to reply… Fit to burst… gushing, gaping.

“I miss you”

He says… slurred with desire.

“You’re only mine
Only ever mine…
Mine and mine alone.”

Melt and succumb, crumble and relent.

“A life together, I’ll say : it’s all mom’s doing I’m just your poor Dad, with you through everything…”

And those dreams form, built precariously high, brightly imbued with deceitful potential.

“How could you? I love you. Remember???”

Is that all he ever does

Just says he will, he can’t, he would?

I peer at her

Peer through her

The glassy eyes stare back at me…

Is that all it takes…just words?

I stare back at her

“What’s it to you?”

I ask.

She stares back

And mouths the words back.


i spoke the words

i knew would cut deep

and though she bared her teeth

to hide the hurt 

i saw her tired eyes dilate

and i knew i had wounded something

that she would lock away

and look at again 

and let it harden

herself somehow

so that when she cut

i would not find the heart to heal

my anger spent

and regrets blurted

two clammy hands blotting her tears away

she gives away no sign of forgiving

she only mouths the words

while her eyes cloud over


Petits II

No other reason

then from the goodness of your heart

you act without needing to

and that is all that matters.


I hate to love you:
I am always yours,
I nor you are ever mine,
but as yours, as yours…as your only own…
I yearn…
for ours.


my lips are bruised

from too many bitten back words

the tears only make them burn.


you say you shouldn’t say

but you say it anyways

what height do you achieve

in bringing down what you held so high

trodding on what you notice

yet don’t.