Keepsake Heart

Can you not reveal your heart to me?

Must I delve in there myself?

I wish I could tell you…
I’m set to run,

I’ll cut off and run,

And not look back.

I’ll look obsessively over my backup plans

I always have.

I’ll recite the pros and cons,

Have a proactive case of sour grapes,

I don’t know any other way…

To keep my heart

from being taken

Only to have it handed back

Emptier than it was before.


Betwixt the troubles

That came in twos

Each desirable in different ways.

One no more desirable than the other.

Each with their own admirable complexities…

Each with their own questionable


One that gnaws and gnaws

Until a soft spot found.

The other nuzzles quickly

Without a sound.

Each perfect to themselves.

But which will my fickle, wounded heart choose?

Which will choose me in return as I am?

Take a piece

It’s so soft…so ripe…so ready….all open

May I pluck it?
Keep it stashed away?

Promise to give you mine
But only if i can wrench yours out

Will it squirm to leave?

Will it writhe in pain?
Will you shush its cries?
Will you deny its scars
The ones it can’t seem to hide so well?

You’ve been hurt, I can see it.
And yet… There you hold it in your hands…
It’s slid from your sleeve and into your tear stained palms…

You hold it out so bravely… With abandon…. With perhaps a stupid stupid naivete…stupid.

Its turned away so i can’t quite see that it’s still bleeding…. That a part of it is still waiting….pulsating
I had no intention of ever staying.


Why is solace so 
singularly sad
yet uplifting 
in its hushed solitude?

is it not then
we hear the lilting
melodies of our hearts? 

Why is silence
sought out
when the wind
for no one

and whispers
no names but
those we keep
secret and close
to our heart of hearts?

How could it be more tender
in any other way?

Why would I want
a pain loved so truly
by solemness
shared in any other way?



things get better

the very moment you give up

the very moment you out loud deny

that there’s even the slightest chance of seeing light

the very moment your heart says “no that’s it…no more.”

supposedly things get better

but until they do

all i can do is stare the hands down

as they tick away the time to supposedly: 

that unannounced moment when things will somehow magically become better

and i no longer will have to only suppose.


            to and fro
to and fro

along with the
beats of a heart
in throes
of wandering woe

           to and fro
to and fro

tapping along
 a life’s time that
ticks by me
before my very eyes

            to and fro
  to and fro

stopping quite still
to only mock with
with your dullish gold face
smirking away at my
misty-headed misery


keep your fingers crossed
your heart open
your vision willing
your dreams real


keep your smile secret
your heart willing
your vision sure
your dreams strong


keep your eyes dry
your heart strong
your vision unblurred
your dreams from fleeting


keep your head up
your heart patched up
your vision realistic
your dreams as dreams