the outside world

the outside world
was too caught up
in its
tossing and turning
whirling and churning

the suspended droplets
swam hurriedly into rivulets

many arms
tossed between them
a head

many arms
held a woman

and so the shadow play of the wind persisted
the trees erratically moving to a music
not heard but seen

in that frenzied chill
of time
Sleep escaped
and Peace retreated
and Thought
things that
had yet to
but determined
that they would.


keep your fingers crossed
your heart open
your vision willing
your dreams real


keep your smile secret
your heart willing
your vision sure
your dreams strong


keep your eyes dry
your heart strong
your vision unblurred
your dreams from fleeting


keep your head up
your heart patched up
your vision realistic
your dreams as dreams



to envy the sorrows
that have comforts
to question the cares
of those who have
ones to save them
to search for a
smaller piece
of a gauzy dream
all glimmering with hope
one where joy
is still buoyant
and ignorant
of the troubles
that follow
to deny that a whimper
was heard where a
roar was thoroughly expected
to seek the words
that were heard in the heart
but were left unsaid
the air still silent
and stuck within
the breath
wishing to remain
and end what all
it had started
and to forget what
hope there ever
was of returning
to that little
sad pit of denial


thinking too much

there is a rumour
of empty space
its hallow call
fills the breath
of room it
usually occupies

as it tries its
feeble best
to spread its peace

the clusters of chaos
have advancedly arrived
they nudge and jostle
trilling their slogans
each wanting to

struggling one above the other
to subsume
in desires to consume

“that is the dilemma when you think too much”